Our Iowa Hawk-Eyes
We are a publication that is mostly "written by our readers", so we rely on folks from around the state to send us stories, photos, and ideas about what is going on in their area. To lend a hand, we enlist a volunteer field editor in each of our 99 counties to be our "eyes and ears" in their community. They're proud of our state and eager to share all the good things it has to offer.
We even have a special name for them. Since this is the "Hawkeye State", and we're asking our field editors to keep a sharp eye out for items of interest from their county, we call them "Hawk-Eyes"! These Hawk-Eyes take pride in being part of the action and sharing exciting and unique items about their communities.
Our Hawk-Eyes receive an advanced copy of each new issue, as well as a newsletter from the editor to keep them in the loop and alert them to any specific items we're interested in for the next issue.
Contact Your Hawk-Eye
Click here to send a note to your local Hawk-Eye.
Want to Join the Team?
We hope to keep a Hawk-Eye in every one of our 99 counties, but as lives and circumstances change, sometimes these folks choose to step down and allow another to take a turn keeping us abreast of the interesting events, people, and happenings in that county. That's where you come in!
Below are the counties that are currently in need of a volunteer field editor. If you have a finger on the pulse of your county, enjoy chatting with your community to dig up story ideas, or even want to try your hand at writing some feature articles, send an email to editors@OurIowaMagazine.com and let us know which county you would like to represent!